Taking a car to university

March 15, 2016

Deciding weather or not to take your beloved car to uni with you or not can be a hard decision to make but here are some tips to help you decide and plan.

If you are going to university in a major city or somewhere with lots of local transport driving will be pointless and expensive. For example if you live close or on your campus and you have all your shops and essentials nearby you can save a lot of money by just usual the transport like the bus or train. many university have special buses for free or discounted to get you to your campus's and accommodation and if you need to travel a long distance home why not invest in a 16-25 rail card which gives you discount off your tickets.

But if you are heading to a university which is more of a rural area then you might need to to get home and to university. You also get more freedom if you own your own car, you dont have to wait for the slow buses or trains! 

Packing your car for the journey :

  •  First things first: books. Heavy, flat things to the bottom. Packing all your books and tins of food into boxes of the same shape and size will allow you to build a strong foundation layer for everything else.
  • It's a good idea at this point to cover all the boxes with big, soft things like duvets, bags of clothing and pillows. 
  • Then start adding everything else like your lighter object, trying packing your clothes into a suitcase, you can then use your suitcase when coming back home for holidays etc
  • Remember it doesn't matter if you cant fit everything in the car, Where your uni is there will be shops so buy your food when you get there not before hand.
Top Tips:

  • Make a list of everything you need to pack in the car with you
  • Set off before or after rush hour/avoid traffic
  • Enjoy the journey and take regular breaks if your on a long car journey

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