Using Mobile Phones While Driving

March 15, 2016

With technology advancing it is getting harder for the younger generations to put down there smartphones. There has been an increase of people using their mobile phones while driving but did you know this is illegal! More than 500,000 motorists are still using their mobile phones while driving each day, according to shocking new figures.

A study found that drivers aged under 30 are the biggest culprits with more than one in 20 being caught flouting the law.

Penalties for using your phone while driving:

You can get an automatic fixed penalty notice if you’re caught using a hand-held phone while driving or riding. You’ll get 3 penalty points on your licence and a fine of £100.
Your case could also go to court and you could be disqualified from driving or riding and get a maximum fine of £1,000. Drivers of buses or goods vehicles could get a maximum fine of £2,500.

New drivers:

Will lose your licence if you get 6 or more penalty points within 2 years of passing your test.
These scary figures show you what could happen in the time you send or read a text!

It is safer to just turn your phone off or put it on silent before you start driving, it could save your life and others. 

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