What to do if you break down
March 16, 2016
If you've broken down it can be hard and often dangerous to stop, it can also be a very distressing experience for you.
Get your vehicle off the road if possible and warn other traffic by using your hazard warning lights, particularly if your vehicle is causing an obstruction.
If your on the motorway:
Motorway hard shoulders are for emergency use only. You should only stop if it is a real emergency and you have no other choice. It's best to try to drive to a safer place off the motorway if you can rather than stopping on the hard shoulder.
Leave the vehicle by the left-hand door and ensure your passengers do the same. It says you must leave any animals in the vehicle or, in an emergency, keep them under proper control on the verge. Ensure that passengers keep away from the carriageway and hard shoulder, and that children are kept under control.
If you don't have a mobile, walk to an emergency telephone on your side of the carriageway – never attempt to cross the carriageway. Follow the arrows on the posts at the back of the hard shoulder – the phone is free and connects directly to the police/Highways Agency. Give full details to the police and tell them if you are a vulnerable motorist, such as a woman travelling alone.
Return and wait near your vehicle, well away from the carriageway and hard shoulder.
On other roads:
Get your vehicle off the road if possible and warn other traffic by using your hazard warning lights, particularly if your vehicle is causing an obstruction.
If you have any fear that your vehicle may be struck by other traffic make all your passengers get out of the car and get well away from the traffic.
If it is safe and you have one, put a warning triangle or other permitted warning device on the road at least 45 metres (50 yards) behind your broken down vehicle on the same side of the road. Always take great care when doing this.
Question whether it is safe for you to fix the car or whether you need professional help.
If you have used a warning triangle remember to retrieve it, with care, when the breakdown is over.