The difference between manual and automatic cars

May 18, 2016

Before buying a new car its a good idea to understand the difference between automatic and manual cars. Both cars have their advantages and disadvantages, so read this blog to find out which car is the best for you!

The main difference between an automatic and a manual car is the method the car uses to shift gears. In an automatic the car decides when you shift and automatically  changes the gear for you. Where as in an manual you are responsible to shifting gears using the clutch and gas pedals.

The advantages of an automatic:

- Easier to drive / faster the learn

-  Rather than worrying about shifting gears, an automatic allows you to keep your focus on the road. For some drivers, driving an automatic is less distracting.

If you find you frequently end up in traffic, an automatic is much better. Driving a manual transmission in stop and go traffic can be very tedious.

In newer automatic cars, the car will shift itself faster than you could shift a manual. This can be helpful when you need to accelerate quickly, such as when you merge onto a motorway.

If you are licensed to drive a manual car in the UK, you are also permitted to drive an automatic vehicle on public road

The Disadvantages of an automatic: 

Automatics represent more complicated technology, so they often cost more to service

- Automatic cars are more complicated than a manual transmission to develop and build and in the UK there are less of them manufactured, therefore automatics costs more to make and ultimately cost more to purchase.

 In automatics you use up more fuel quickly, which can be very expensive. 

Advantages of a manual:

- You have more control over the car

Manual transmission cars typically get better gas mileage. Because the driver controls the RPMs of the engine, the car does less revving and uses less gas

- It's often less expensive to repair your manual car. 

When you buy a new car, a manual transmission is generally a cheaper option.

Disadvantages of a manual: 

Learning how to operate a manual car can be difficult challenge.

- Drivers can be distracted when changing gears

- Most manuals don't have cruise control

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