Tips for driving long journeys

March 14, 2016

Here are some of our top tips for driving long journey/Road trips and making sure that you enjoy it!

Before setting off make sure you check your car, you should check:
           Tyre Tread - The minimum, legal tread depth for tyres is 1.6mm, though most motoring organisations recommend maintaining a tread depth of at least 3mm.
,     Tyre Pressure - the wrong pressure affects steering and braking.
      Engine - Check water/coolant (anti-freeze in cold weather) and oil levels to prevent over-heating and engine failure.
      Windscreen and Lights - ensure the windscreen washer reservoir is full and that wiper blades are not split or worn. Lights must be clean and fully working to meet legal requirements.

Plan your journey:
Make sure you know the route you are taking before you set off and try to avoid rush hour if possible, if you are unsure of the route you are taking use a sat nav or you can even use maps on your smartphone.

If you need to be somewhere for a specific time make sure you leave early just in case the traffic delays your journey.

Make sure you take regular breaks, General advice is to take a break of 15 minutes at least every two hours. Make sure you have a drink and/or a snack to keep your energy levels up. If you’re tired try taking a 15 minute nap or open the window and put the radio on. 

Enjoy your journey, if you are travelling with friends why not create a playlist of your favourite songs to listen to on the way! Or if you are travelling with children play car games with them like eye spy or even let them watch a movie on a portable DVD player or tablet! 

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