Tips for driving at night

March 14, 2016

Driving at night time can be a daunting task but here are some tips for staying safe and enjoying your journey! 

Be wary of drunk and tired drivers. You might be feeling fine and driving safely but be wary of other drivers! 

Watch for animals, especially in rural areas:
Animals crossing the road can be especially dangerous at night. It can be very difficult to see animals ahead of you on poorly-lit roads when driving at high speeds and crashes involving large animals like deer can be deadly or cause major damage (for the driver, animal, and car).
Keep your headlights, mirrors, and wind shield in top condition.

Use your high-beams for low-light situations:
Your car's high-beam lights can seriously boost your safety while driving at night, but only if you use them correctly. High-beams should be used when driving in very dark, low-visibility areas where there is not much traffic. Make sure you turn off your high-beams when following another car or there is oncoming traffic. In these cases, the bright light of the high-beams can distract other drivers, making it harder for them to drive safely.
Deal with others' high-beams by glancing to the side of the road.

If you wear glasses, use an anti-reflective coating!

If you are feeling tired make sure to avoid driving if necessary and if you do have to drive chew some chewing gum, have some coffee, listen to the radio and open you window slightly to let a breeze in. This should help you to stay awake. 

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