Top Tip's for learner drivers

March 14, 2016

Driving instructor – Make sure you pick a driving instructor that you are comfortable learning with.

The car – Before setting off in your car make sure you understand how all of the gears work and where your window wipers, hazard lights etc.

Stay calm – Now this might seem obvious but at some point you might get yourself into a tricky situation and panic. It is important to take deep breaths and listen carefully to your instructor. You’re learning to drive, there will always be mistakes you make but don’t worry!

Speed – watch your speed, it is easy to incorrectly judge how fast you are travelling so make sure you are aware of the speed limit and stick to it.

Don’t rush - Take each and every movement in stages so that it’s easier to understand. If you try to take everything in at once, it may become overwhelming. If you do feel overly stressed, don’t be afraid to ask your instructor to slow it down a little.

It’s not a competition – we know it can be annoying when all of your friends are driving before you but don’t rush it, it’s not a competition. Everyone learns at different rates.

After you've passed your test - Your nerves won’t magically disappear, so get used to your newly found freedom slowly. Wait until you’re comfortable before taking passengers, keep your phone switched off and music on low. And if you feel nervous about driving on the motorway, you can always take a motorway lesson with a qualified instructor.

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