How to park safely

April 04, 2016

Parking can be a challenge for some drivers, so here are some of are tips so you become an expert at parking. 

- Carefully enter the parking lot. Observe its activity. Drive slowly and pay attention to other vehicles and pedestrians.

- Be prepared to suddenly stop. A pedestrian could walk in front of you or another car could back up.

- Check your mirrors and use your indicators to inform other road users you are about to pull into the space.

- Drive very slowly whilst reversing. This makes it much easier to steer accurately without any risk of hitting the curb or other vehicles.

- Park in the lines provided on the parking space. Carefully position your vehicle within the given space. If you have an over-sized vehicle, then consider taking up multiple spaces so that your vehicle is not in the lane on the parking lot. 

- Apply the handbrake, put the gear into neutral or park and turn off the engine.

- Open your vehicle's doors carefully. Be careful not to hit another person's vehicle with your door as you exit your vehicle.

- If you are parking at night, be sure to park in a well-lit area that is as close to a public area. If you feel unsafe, don't park. 

- Practice makes perfect - the more you learn how to park into different spaces the better you will become. 

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